Do you know the classic
“Strategic Communication Disorder”?
We’re not the only ones saying it
EFFECTIVELY communicating with
an audience to achieve GOALS
is a common concern across
all industries today.
Dr. Jones is an expert who consults with hundreds of professionals with the classic “Strategic Communication Disorder”. Learn how he helps them and why he trusts Viernes Strategic Videos to provide “therapy” to his patients.

Fortunately, for the past 10 years,
our team has supported hundreds
of professionals by CREATING
STRATEGIC messages that achieve their GOALS.

Fortunately, for the past 10 years,
our team has supported hundreds
of professionals by CREATING
STRATEGIC messages that achieve their GOALS.

The power
of motion design
It is ideal for any type of company,
has an excellent cost-benefit ratio
compared to other animation
techniques, and we can create
and visually appealing messages
for every AUDIENCE in just a few
So flexible and versatile that we
can create different solutions
based on your needs.

What is the price of
motion therapy?
To make things easier for you (and for
us), we have designed 3 different
motion therapies among which you
can choose the one that best fits your
diagnosis. (Objectives, strategy,
audience, delivery time, and budget).

What is the price of
motion therapy?
To make things easier for you (and for
us), we have designed 3 different
motion therapies among which you
can choose the one that best fits your
diagnosis. (Objectives, strategy,
audience, delivery time, and budget).